K-1 Visas: Fiancé(e) Visas


K-1 Visas: Fiancé(e) Visas

If you are planning to marry a foreign-citizen living outside the United States and wish to bring them into the United States, the K-1 visa might be available for your situation. The K-1 Visa allows the foreign-citizen fiancé (e) to travel to the United States and marry his or her U.S. citizen fiancé(e) within 90 days of arrival.

Both the U.S. citizen and the K-1 visa applicant must be legally free to marry at the time the petition was filed and must have remained so after that. This means that any previous marriages must have been terminated legally through a divorce, death, or annulment. A divorce or death certificate of any previous spouse for both you and the foreign-citizen fiancé (e) will be required as proof of that termination. Likewise, the marriage must be legally possible according to the state law in which the marriage will take place. In Arkansas, the minimum legal age to marry with parental consent is seventeen for males and sixteen for females.

In order to apply for the K-1 visa, the petitioning fiancé(e) must submit the required petition and evidence to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  The evidence required by USCIS may differ depending the petitioner’s and/or the beneficiary’s history. Mistakes could cause a delay, or even worse, a denial of the petition.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. Joyce Law Firm has the knowledge and experience to prepare the petition accurately and efficiently. We can guide you through the process and will be available to answer your questions and concerns.

This is an important decision that will affect your life and that of your future spouse – let our experienced immigration attorney help.

Please contact Joyce Law Firm at (479) 442-5577 to schedule a consult with our immigration attorney.

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